Here you'll find a collection of links and so on that
I've found useful, interesting, or
at least worth a chuckle for one reason or another. I'll
try to keep it up to date
so that any broken links are fixed or removed. I'll probably
rotate stuff
on and off over time as well. Enjoy!
The club site of N.A.S.C.A.R. - where I race R/C cars.
Area 51 Helicopter Club
The club site of Area 51 - where I fly R/C helicopters.
HeliFreak Forum
An online forum specializing in R/C helicopters of all sorts.
Your Reflexes
Nifty Nifty.. measure the time it takes
the signal get from your eyes to your brain
to your mousefinger.
The Official Shotgun
Finally, a universal standard for calling the prime
passenger position in a vehicle!
What, you didn't know it was so desperately needed?
...neither did I, come to think of it...
Blue's News
The site I go to most often for computer games news.
How Stuff Works
A neat site with loads of info. Worth digging into once
in a while.